Our Mission

Our Mission

Workers United is a dynamic and action-oriented union guided by its members who generate the change they want to see in their workplaces, industries and communities.

Everyday our stewards, elected local leadership, and health and safety representatives stand up for Workers United members and ensure they have the representation they deserve at work.


Workers United invests in its members. We believe that an engaged and educated membership is the key to building a strong union, capable of negotiating strong contracts and generating positive change.

Bargaining Strong Contracts

Our members and bargaining committees are prepared and committed to negotiating strong contracts and determined to achieve the highest workplace standards possible.

Raising Standards

By negotiating strong contracts, Workers United members are making industry-wide improvements, preserving good Canadian jobs and sustaining the well-being of middle class communities across Canada.

Organizing the Unorganized

Workers United remains committed to the principles which led its predecessor unions to fight to bring an end to sweatshops in North America. From large manufacturing plants to small food service providers to social service workers, all workers deserve the protection of a union and the opportunity to improve their workplace standards.

Social Justice & International Solidarity

We advocate on a range of economic and social justice issues impacting workers both in Canada and around the world. These include: advocating for a decent minimum wage; stronger labour protections; racial equality; income equality; migrant rights; and improving garment factory conditions.


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